Monday, April 21, 2014

IFA cosponors Climate Action event

The Harrisonburg Rockingham Interfaith Association is partnering with The Climate Action Alliance of the Valley (CAAV) to sponsor a conversation on climate change Wednesday, May 7, at First Presbyterian Church on Court Square in Harrisonburg.  The program, which includes a light lunch, is from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. There is no charge for this event.

 Les Grady of CAAV will open the program with a brief statement on why Climate Change matters as an issue for faith communities and for our society.  His remarks will be followed by conversation involving all who are present.  
Please RSVP by May 2 to or call David Miller, 540.578.0241.  We are eager to share in a meal and conversation with you.  And please share this invitation with other colleagues and churches. 

David R. Miller
Montezuma Church of the Brethren
President, Harrisonburg Rockingham Interfaith Association
Noter:  Dr. Les Grady is a licensed professional engineer (retired) who taught environmental engineering at Purdue and Clemson Universities and engaged in private practice with CH2M Hill, the world’s largest environmental engineering consulting firm.  Since his retirement in 2003 he has devoted much of his time to the study of climate science and the question of global warming.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 6, 2014 Program

Thursday, March 6th, the Interfaith Association meets from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. at Our Community Place (OCP) in Harrisonburg, an organization which will also be the focus of this month's program. Executive Director Philip Rhodes will meet with us to explain what the organization does as well as to present its overall mission.  

OCP often provides box lunches for the IFA when we meet off the EMU campus, so most of you know the drill; we will need an advance lunch count for those who wish to order lunch.  The options, as usual, are either a turkey or veggie / hummus sandwich, and please do indicate if you would prefer a gluten-free version of either lunch choice.

Our Community Place is located just off North Main Street / Route 11, opposite from and catty corner to the Little Grill Collective (with parking available off Johnson Street, behind the building).  I am including a map link for those unfamiliar with the location (look for OCP right in the center of the map): 

Please do let me know if you plan to attend, along with your lunch order.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

2014 Lenten Luncheons

2014 Lenten Luncheon Schedule

Jon Heeringa, Pastor
First Presbyterian Church
First Lenten
First Presbyterian Church,
17 N Court Square
March 12
12:05 to
Steve Hay, Pastor
Asbury United Methodist Church
Second Lenten Luncheon
Harrisonburg Unitarian Universalist Church, 4104 Rawley Pike
March 19
12:05 to
Sara Ardrey-Graves
Associate Rector,
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Third Lenten
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints,
210 S. Avenue
March 26
12:05 to
Richard Wehrle, Pastor
Sunrise Church of the
Fourth Lenten Luncheon
Presbytery of Shenandoah
1111 N, Main Street
April 2
12:05 to
Joe Goldsmith, Priest
Blessed Sacrament
Catholic Church
Fifth Lenten
Blessed Sacrament Catholic
154 N. Main Street
April 9
12:05 to

February 6, 2014 Program

EMU's West Dining Room for a 12 noon to 1:30 program on Volunteer Farm program in Woodstock for growing food for local Food Bank.

January 2014 Program

Program from 12 noon to 1:30 pm at Emmanuel Episcopal Church on the Open Doors Thermal Shelter (formerly HARTS).