Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 6, 2014 Program

Thursday, March 6th, the Interfaith Association meets from 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. at Our Community Place (OCP) in Harrisonburg, an organization which will also be the focus of this month's program. Executive Director Philip Rhodes will meet with us to explain what the organization does as well as to present its overall mission.  

OCP often provides box lunches for the IFA when we meet off the EMU campus, so most of you know the drill; we will need an advance lunch count for those who wish to order lunch.  The options, as usual, are either a turkey or veggie / hummus sandwich, and please do indicate if you would prefer a gluten-free version of either lunch choice.

Our Community Place is located just off North Main Street / Route 11, opposite from and catty corner to the Little Grill Collective (with parking available off Johnson Street, behind the building).  I am including a map link for those unfamiliar with the location (look for OCP right in the center of the map): 

Please do let me know if you plan to attend, along with your lunch order.